
New members Start Here

To apply to join the Club, Please use our WebCollect page and select the new member or come down to the Club whenever there is racing taking place. Any of the committee can be contacted through the list below for a chat about sailing with us. You will see that the joining and membership costs are very low compared with other Clubs. Or you can print off an application form Here

Existing Members Renewal

Membership must be renewed by the Paying-In day (usually the first Saturday of January). This can be done at Paying-In day or by post to the Membership Secretary enclosing a cheque or preferably by using the Web Collect system.

Members will not be eligible to race or take part in other activities until they have renewed their membership.

Cheques must be made payable to MSC but we would prefer you used Web Collect and bank transfer.

Current Membership Options

CategoryJoining FeeAnnual Subscription
Single SUP Membership£17.00£30.00
Couple SUP Membership£17.00£35.00
Single Kayak Membership£17.00£30.00
Couple Kayak Membership£17.00£35.00
Social Membership Single£15.00£22.50
Social Membership Couple£15.00£27.50

Membership enquiry form

Membership Enquiry