Sunday 4th August: | 10:00 | 3 Races Fast and Slow Fleet (starting together) | | |
| 10:00 | 3 Races Comet Open Event (starting second) | | |
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Monday 5th August: | 10:00 | 3 Races Fast and Slow Fleet (starting together) | | |
| 10;00 | 3 Races Scow Open Event (starting second) | | |
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Tuesday: 6th August: | 11:00 | 2 Races Fast and Slow Fleet (starting together) | | |
| | Plus Pursuit Race in afternoon | | |
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Wednesday 7th August: | 11:00 | 2 Races Fast and Slow Fleet (starting together) | | |
| | Plus Fun Relay Race in afternoon. | | |
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Thursday 8th August: | 11:00 | 2 Races Fast and Slow Fleet (starting together) | | |